Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in place of a parent for a student enrolled in Summit Elementary School and the faculty and staff of Summit Elementary School are already a member. There are no membership dues. You do not need to participate in meetings to be considered a member. There are many ways to be active with the PTO and all forms of contribution are welcome and appreciated!
The Summit Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(c)(3) Indiana Nonprofit Corporation comprised of members who are committed to the educational goals of Summit Elementary School. The role of the Corporation is to support the educational programs of Summit Elementary School, to encourage parental involvement, and to promote a sense of community among families, faculty, and staff.
All members of the board are volunteer positions with Summit Elementary PTO.
PTO Board
Walkathon Chairmans
Audrey Grote and Landry Culp
Social Media
Allison Allsop and Jennifer Giesler
Snack Library Coordinators
Teacher Ambassador
Jamie Graebe
Teacher Grant Coordinator
Tashi Teuschler
Secret Shop Charmans
Kelly Stegemoller and Jamie Graebe
Dine and Donate Chairman
Lyndsey Woolington-Abdelkader
Vicky Haralovich and Shestin Hermann
PTO Positions
Admin Support (make copies and flyers):
Lost and Found: Jamie Graebe and Lyndsey Woolington-Abdelkader
Pizza X Coordinator: Jennifer Giesler
Secret Shop Commitee: Kelly Stegemoller, Jamie Smith, Lyndsey Abdelkader, Audrey Grote, Vicky Haralovich, Jennifer Giesler and Claire Quimby
School Supply Coordinator: Melissa Buchanan
Spanish Interpreter's
Walkathon Committee: Audrey Grote, Landry Culp, Jennifer Giesler, Vicky Haralovich, Tashi Teuschler, Jordon Potts, Claire Quimby
Grade Level Representatives:
1st Grade:
2nd Grade:
3rd Grade: Tashi
4th Grade: Audrey
5th Grade: Audrey
6th Grade: Jennifer and Vicky
PTO Board Members Descriptions
All PTO board and members are volunteers who volunteer their time,
minds and hearts to Summit Elementary.
Executive Board
The PTO are volunteers or elected by the Members, with the exception of the principal. Every elected officer serves for a term of one 1 to 2 years, unless term is changed by the board. This can change bast on how many interested members in a position. Officer elections or volunteers to a new role take place at the May meeting for the following school year.
The President presides at all PTO meetings, appoints committees necessary to assist in the affairs of the Corporation, and performs other necessary duties determined by the Members.
Vice President: New Position
The Vice President is an active member in the PTO and shall perform all duties incumbent upon the President during the absence or disability of the President(s).
Secretary VP:
The Secretary is an active member in the PTO, attends all PTO meetings, and keeps a complete record of the proceedings. The secretary will see that all notices from the PTO are duly given, mailed or delivered, in accordance with the provision of the Bylaws.
The Treasurer maintains a correct and complete record of account showing the financial condition of the PTO. The treasurer will present a written financial report of the PTO Corporation at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer and the Principal are the legal custodians of all monies, notes, securities, and other valuables and deposit all funds in a reliable bank account in the name of the Corporation.
Principle Staff:
The principal is the liaison between the PTO Members and the faculty/staff of Summit Elementary provides the PTO with periodic reports on school programs and projects, and assists school faculty/staff with presentations of budget requests to the PTO. The principal is not a voting member of the PTO Corporation.